PubSubHubbub and Polling

This blog, as I've written before, is a Jekyll install. I've done some customizations to it to allow pubsub publishing and automated tweeting; why then are the pubsub hubs still polling my server?

Day One Calendar Logger

In the vein of Brett Terpstra's Git Logger for Day One, I've created a logger to add the previous days events to Day One. This helps me not only keep track of what happened after the fact, but keeps them in a "permanent" storage.

Developer Quiet Hours

At $job, we've been practicing Agile Development. Coming from a Waterfall background, this is wonderful.

Git: GUI Mergetools

I've been using SourceTree for my git interaction recently. I love that it's free, and the fact that I can easily click on hashes to see what happened in a commit is awesome.

Tweeting from Jekyll

As a similar plugin to PubSubHubbub, I wanted to be able to have Jekyll automatically tweet whenever a new post occurs. So I wrote the code below: If you want to use it, you'll need to create an app within Twitter, and get oauth keys.

Jekyll and PubSubHubbub

Recently, I read up on Dr. Drang's and Nathan's PubSubHubbub work. This blog is powered by Jekyll, and I wanted in on the fun.

Books to read

This is a selection of books that are suggested reading. Crossed off books have been read by dp.